You can provide as little as 5% of the total price of the home if you have good credit. Even if you have poor credit, we have a network of lenders that are willing to work with poor credit buyers, providing you have a 15-35% down payment.
To refinance or to renew
– this is the question.

Call us and our dedicated professionals will let you know if it’s time for refinancing your mortgage, what options you have and how to proceed in order to get the best value for your money.

Applying for a mortgage shouldn’t be hard or confusing,
What is an appraisal?
A written analysis prepared by a qualified appraiser and estimating the value of a property. The Appraised Value is an opinion of a property’s fair market value, based on an appraiser’s knowledge, experience, and analysis of the property.
What are closing costs?
These are expenses over and above the price of the property that are incurred by buyers and sellers when transferring ownership of a property. Closing costs normally include an origination fee, property taxes, charges for title insurance and escrow costs, appraisal fees, etc. Closing costs will vary according to the area country and the lenders used.

You guys, rock!
Thank you.

Karyn Mackenzie
Carrie Mayhew
Garnet Dickinson

Blog + Video
Here’s some more on Mortgage Renewal and Refinancing!

Yeaaaaah mortgage!
Whether you’re self employed, or buying a home for a new family, we have the perfect mortgage option for you.