Would You Like to Retire in the Comfort of Your Own Home?

If you are over 55 years of age and your income may not qualify you for traditional refinancing or home equity loans, there is still a viable option to tap into the equity of your home.

We have access to all the Reverse Mortgage providers which means we secure you the best rates and terms.

of Canadians would prefer to enjoy their retirement years in the familiar comfort of their residences.

of Canadians would prefer to enjoy their retirement years in the familiar comfort of their residences.

of Canadians would prefer to enjoy their retirement years in the familiar comfort of their residences.

Are you Eligible for a Reverse Mortgage?

Reverse mortgages have unique qualifying requirements tailored to this type of lending. To be eligible, you must meet the following prerequisites:

  • Age 55 or older and residing in a Canadian province
  • Home appraised value of at least $150,000
  • Secured debt below the approved reverse mortgage lending amount

Take control of your retirement today. Don’t let limited income hold you back from accessing your home’s equity; act now and retire confidently with a reverse mortgage.

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Benefits of a Reverse Mortgage

A reverse mortgage offers Canadian homeowners aged 55 or older a range of benefits, including:

  • Flexibility to use the funds for various purposes such as medical expenses, debt consolidation, property investment, or home renovations
  • Repayment only required upon selling or moving
  • No monthly payments
  • Retain full ownership and control of your home without the need to sell or move
  • Option to receive tax-free funds as a lump sum or regular payments
  • Qualification unaffected by stress tests
  • Access up to 55% of your home’s appraised value
  • Old Age Security (OAS) or Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) government benefits remain unaffected

Unlock the benefits of a reverse mortgage today. Enjoy financial freedom without monthly payments and make your dream retirement a reality.

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What’s the Value of Your Reverse Mortgage?

Each reverse mortgage is a loan based on the equity of your home. The age of the applicant is one of the primary factors in determining the amount they are able to collect.

This chart offers a simplified breakdown of rough estimates on reverse mortgage rates for a husband and wife who own a detached home.

Getting started is easy.

Whether you’re self employed, or buying a home for a new family, we have the perfect mortgage option for you.